Post-Graduation Repayment Obligation
Former PBH trainees who fail to complete (1) the MSW degree, (2) the training program OR (3) the service obligation within 36 months of MSW graduation must repay the stipend funding they received
- Former PBH trainees and PBH graduates who fulfill NONE of the service obligation must repay all stipend funding in full
- PBH graduates who fulfill SOME but NOT ALL of the service obligation must repay a prorated amount based on the number of months of eligible service completed
- Stipend funding repayment plans typically involve monthly payments spread out over 12 to 24 months and may include interest and fees as well as stipend funding
- The key to staying out of repayment is staying in communication with SJSU
- HCAI does not actually want graduates to end up in repayment and SJSU works hard to help graduates avoid this outcome
Contact Us
Public Behavioral Health MSW Training Program, SDSU
Amanda Lee, LCSW
PBH MSW Training Program Coordinator