Congratulations to Dr. Annie Keeney on her award!

September 14, 2022

Way to go!! We appreciate your hard work and celebrate your accomplishment together!

Dr. Annie Keeney was just awarded a three-year research project ($611,315) as the PI from CDC/NIOSH funded center (2022-2025). It is a research project funded by the CDC/NIOSH through the High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health & Safety.

Title: Bridging Differences between Faith and Behavioral Health Professionals: Using Intergroup Dialogue to Improve Agricultural Mental Health Systems

Description: A lack of trust among system providers to address the unique challenges of rural farmers can significantly impact mental health outcomes. As such, this study aims to help establish a collaborative behavioral health system in rural communities by using a novel application of the evidence-based approach of intergroup dialogue with faith leaders and rural behavior health providers. We feel this project is critical because it aims to build the behavioral health system capacity for farmers, farmworkers, and their families, who have an elevated risk of adverse mental health outcomes, and their broader agricultural communities.

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