Past Events
School of Social Work Night at Petco Park Photos 2023
2022 Annual Field Meeting Photos
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Photos from Annual Field Internship Agency Fair 2020
On Monday, January 27, 2020, the School of Social Work held its Annual Field Agency Fair in conjunction with CSU San Marcos and Point Loma Nazarene University in SDSU’s Montezuma Hall, with hundreds of community agencies, field instructors/task supervisors and School of Social Work undergraduate and graduate students in attendance.
Photos from our Annual Field Meeting 2019
On Friday, August 23, 2019, the SDSU School of Social Work held its Annual Field Meeting in SDSU's Montezuma Hall. Dr. Jong Won Min, Director, and Dr. Dahlia Fuentes, Associate Director, provided news from the School of Social Work. Dr. Donna Daly, Student Success Specialist, shared information on available student resources and supports.
Keynote speaker Lic. Antonia Rodriguez Villa presented on the "Construction of identities of women in a migration situation with their families… The Madre Asunta experience 2017-18" with Spanish-English interpretation provided by Silvia A. Barragán. Kayla Mulholland, MSW, shared her short film and spoke on the topic of "Coordinating a Binational Response to Asylum Seekers"
Congratulations to our "Above & Beyond" Field Instructor Award Winners!
Graduate Administrative Community Development Track Field Instructor Award – Jennifer Cosio, SDSU School of Social Work
Graduate Direct Practice Track Field Instructor Award – Leticia Rodriguez, Chula Vista Elementary School District
Undergraduate Field Instructor Award – Daniel Romero, SAY San Diego Healthy Start Military Family Resource Center
Rookie of the Year Award – Jill Mueller, VA San Diego Health Care System HCHV Inpatient
Imperial Valley Field Instructor Award – Lillian Vera, Imperial Valley El Centro School District
Lifetime Achievement Field Instructor Award – Debbie Boerbaitz and Mary Skrabucha
Congratulations to our "Above & Beyond" Field Instructor Nominees!
Amanda Garcia, Carmen Robles, Christina Dietz, Jennifer Sovay, Kathleen Forbes, Lengpea Yang, Michelle Santiago, Steven Garcia, Summer Evans, Eve Marie Colello-Moltzen, Helen McClain, Lori Robinson, & Francisca Gomez.
School's Inaugural Field Appreciation Luncheon in the Imperial Valley! 2019
On Friday, May 24, 2019, the SDSU School of Social Work held its Inaugural Field Appreciation Luncheon in the Imperial Valley for all of its agency partners, field instructors, and task supervisors.
Annual Field Appreciation Luncheon! 2019
On Friday, May 3, 2019, the SDSU School of Social Work held its Annual Field Appreciation Luncheon at the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor Center for all of its agency partners, field instructors, and task supervisors.
Annual Field Agency Fair! 2019
On Friday, February 1, 2019, the School of Social Work held its Annual Field Agency Fair in conjunction with CSU San Marcos and Point Loma Nazarene University in SDSU's Montezuma Hall, with hundreds of community agencies, field instructors/task supervisors and School of Social Work undergraduate and graduate students in attendance!
Annual Field Instructors Orientation and Symposium! 2018
On Friday, August 24, 2018, the SDSU School of Social Work held its Annual Field Instructors Orientation and Symposium in SDSU's Montezuma Hall, with Robert M. Ehnow as the keynote speaker.
The following field instructors were recognized:
Lifetime Achievement
- Anna La Rocca Palid, LCSW, Chief Agency Operations, BHS, County of San Diego HHSA (Retired)
- Joyce N. DiCicco, MSW, LCSW, CSA, Senior Wellness Program Manager, Health & Wellness Department, San Diego Naval Medical Center
Graduate Field Instructors Awardees
- Kelly Dwyer, Escondido Union School District
- Kelley Grimes, Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego
- Katie Morrill, Family Wellness Center, San Diego Center for Children
Undergraduate Field Instructors Awardees
- Nawal Alkatib, Chaldean and Middle Eastern Social Services, San Ysidro Health
- Michelle Santiago, San Marcos Unified School District
Annual Field Appreciation Luncheon! 2018
On Friday, April 27, 2018, the SDSU School of Social Work held its Annual Field Appreciation Luncheon at the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor Center, for all of its agency partners, field instructors, and task supervisors.
Annual Field Agency Fair! 2018
On Friday, January 26, 2018, the School of Social Work held its Annual Field Agency Fair in conjunction with CSU San Marcos and Point Loma Nazarene University in SDSU’s Montezuma Hall, with hundreds of community agencies, field instructors/task supervisors and School of Social Work undergraduate and graduate students in attendance.
Annual Field Instructors' Meeting! 2018
On August 25, 2017, the School of Social Work held its Annual Field Instructors' meeting in Montezuma Hall at San Diego State University.
Field Instructors Appreciation Event at Mission Trails! 2017
On Friday, May 5, 2017, we held our Field Instructors Appreciation Event at Mission Trails.
The January 27th Agency Fair! 2017
Today Jan 27th over 150 social service agencies and programs gathered in Montezuma Hall for the School of Social Work's annual internship agency fair.
The event was co-hosted with USC and CSU San Marcos schools of social work. Over 350 graduate and undergraduate students participated and were able to explore internship options for the final year of their BSW or MSW programs.
It was also a grand reunion for social work students past and present, faculty, field instructors, colleagues and peers. 2nd year student who were manning their agency booth, also used it as an opportunity to network for "life after graduation". Our thanks to everyone who participated.
Annual Field Instructor Meeting! 2016
On August 19th over 175 SDSU and CSU San Marcos field instructors gathered to kick off the academic year and participate in our Annual Field Instructors Orientation and Symposium.
There were challenging and inspiring presentations on the topic of “Understanding Historical Racism and building self awareness in social work education.”
SDSU faculty Charles Toombes and a panel of community representatives gave powerful presentations.
This annual event is one of the largest gatherings of social workers in San Diego county and is an opportunity for SDSU School of Social Work to show our appreciation to our field instructors who volunteer their time to train, mentor and supervise our students, the next generation of social workers.
See the photos!
2016 Agency Internship Fair!
Our 2016 Agency Internship Fair, co-hosted with CSU San Marcos and USC Schools of Social Work was a great success, with over 150 agencies and programs participating. 400 undergraduate and graduate students from the three schools were able to mingle and research future internship opportunities for Fall 2016.
We love having so many of our community partners come to campus to show case their rich and diverse social service programs with our students.
Annual Field Instructor Meeting! 2016
On August 19th over 175 SDSU and CSU San Marcos field instructors gathered to kick off the academic year and participate in our Annual Field Instructors Orientation and Symposium.
There were challenging and inspiring presentations on the topic of “Understanding Historical Racism and building self awareness in social work education.”
SDSU faculty Charles Toombes and a panel of community representatives gave powerful presentations.
This annual event is one of the largest gatherings of social workers in San Diego county and is an opportunity for SDSU School of Social Work to show our appreciation to our field instructors who volunteer their time to train, mentor and supervise our students, the next generation of social workers.
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Annual Field Instructors’ Meeting! 2015
On August 14, 2015, 175 field instructors and agency representatives from throughout SD County and Imperial County attended our Annual School of Social Work Field Instructors’ Orientation Meeting to kick off the start of the academic year.
“Above and Beyond” field instructors award winners were recognized and director Mindy Hohman and field director, Candy Elson provided news and updates.
Attendees were very engaged by key note speaker, Jean Twenge, PhD, psychology professor from SDSU who spoke about her research findings and the topic of, “Generation Me: tips for working with Millenial Generation Interns.”
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2015 Agency Field Internship Fair!
On February 6th, SDSU School of Social Work was excited to host our annual Agency Field Internship Fair back on SDSU Campus at the brand new Student Union and inside spacious and beautifully appointed Montezuma Hall.
We were happy to co-host with USC School of Social Work, San Diego campus and CSU San Marcos School of Social Work.
Over 150 agencies and programs participated from throughout the county. Over 350 students from the three schools, including SDSU advanced year MSW and undergraduates attended the fair and were able to network and browse future internsips for Fall 2015-16 academic year.
Thanks to all of our community partners who participated.
You can see more pictures at the SDSU School of Social Work Facebook page.
Annual Field Instructors’ Meeting!
On Friday August 15th, over 160 Field Instructors and task supervisors met at the Jacobs Center to kick of the start of the academic year. Field instructors had an opportunity to socialize and network over breakfast.
“Above and Beyond” award winners were recognized and the art work of Jesus Montoya, one of our BSW students, were displayed. Jesus’s friend and mentor Liz C. received a “heart of social work” award.
Our new director, Dr. Mindy Hohman greeted and thanked our dedicated field instructors, and Dr. Bill Matulich presented on “Trauma Informed Care and Motivational Interviewing.”
SDSU School of Social Work appreciates the hard work and dedication of our field instructors.
Field Instructor Appreciation Luncheon! 2014
On Wednesday, May 7, 2014, over 75 field instructors gathered at Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center for an Appreciation Lunch. Faculty speaker Dr. Mari Zuniga gave a presentation on cross border health. Dr. Thom Reilly introduced Dr. Mindy Hohman who will assume the directorship of the School of Social Work on July 1st, 2014.
In addition, Dr. Tom Beers was recognized for his scholarship donation in memory of his wife, Jane Beers. Jane worked for many years as one of our field instructors. Charlene Letourneau was also recognized for her 24 years of service to the school.
Imperial Valley, Mental Health Training Program students graduating!
On Friday April 18th, School of Social Work Field Faculty, Ernie L. Zuniga and Field Director Candy Elson held a brief ceremony to congratulate our Calexico Campus IVC MSW students on their upcoming graduation and commencement. Briefly joining in on the celebration were Dean Pearson and Associate Dean, Michael Sabath.
Certificates were also given to the Mental Health Training Program stipend students. These students have completed 2 years of internships within Imperial Valley Behavioral Health and received a stipend of $18,000 to support them during their MSW program. They will complete two years or employment payback in Imperial Valley public mental health system.
MHTP Students are Cindy Escobar, Grisel Ruiz, Biana Soriano, Norma Galaviz, Fransica Gomez, Natalia Luna and Suzanna Lopez.
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Joint MSW Field Agency Internship Fair 2014
On January 31st, SDSU School of Social Work collaborated with USC’s San Diego Academic Center & CSU San Marco’s new MSW program to host the 2014 Social Work Field Agency Internship Fair at the Jacobs Center.
120 social service agencies from San Diego County participated and represented their program. Over 300 graduate and undergraduate social work and gerontology students attended and were able to talk to agency representatives and current interns in order to select their field internship for Fall 2014.
Students and agencies concurred that the event is one of the high lights of the academic year. It is an opportunity for students review many social service programs and for field instructors, graduates, faculty and students to have a reunion & opportunity to reconnect & network.
See the photos!
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Field Instructor Annual Meeting! 2013
On August 16th, 175 SDSU Field Instructors gathered at the Jacobs Center, for our Annual Meeting & Orientation to kick of the academic year, 2013-14.
The program included presentations from Alfredo Aguirre and Dawn Schoonhoven, plus updates on the School of Social Work from Dr Thom Reilly.
Our “Above and Beyond field instructor” nominees and award winners were recognized.
Congratulations & Thanks to ALL of our hard working & dedicated field instructors:
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- Terri Cavanagh – Rady’s Children’s Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry, North Inland
- Joann Scott – HHSA East County Mental Health Clinic
- Lisa Mader – Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center- “Rookie of the Year”, 1st year as SDSU Field Instructor
- Kathy Morgan – Vista Hill, Parent Care
- Dennis Dearie, Senior Community Center
- Helen Palomino – The Cancer Resource Center of the Desert
- Jose Martinez – Riverside County Office of Education Head Start Program
Alfredo Guaradado, Julie Bahr, Adrienne Berlin, Sharona Canales, Lysette Del Castillo, Mary Collins, Teri Cavanagh, Dennis Dearie, Kathleen D. Morgan, Roseann Larson, Lisa Mader, Heather Mattei, Nancy Fink, Irma Murphy, Erynn Filkey, Michelle Wenzler, Amanda Jones Helen Palomino , Shelly Paule, Luana Blevins , Theresa Peleska, Joann Scott, Erin Tegge
Field Instructor Appreciation Luncheon 2013
75 Field Instructors, from San Diego and Imperial Valley, gathered with field faculty at Mission Trails Regional Park for an Appreciation Luncheon on Friday, May 10th.
All field instructors received an Appreciation Certificate to thank them for their hours of volunteered time provided to train our interns who will be the next generation of social workers.
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Annual Agency Field Internship Fair 2013
On January 25th, SDSU and USC Schools of Social Work collaborated to co-host our Annual Agency Field Internship Fair. Over 100 social service agencies, who accept our social work & gerontology interns, assembled at the Jacobs Center to meet prospective student interns. Graduate and undergraduate social work and gerontology students had an opportunity to meet field instructors and to research their field practicum choices for Fall 2013.
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2012 Field Instructor Annual Meeting
On August 16th, 150 plus field instructors met at the Jacobs Center for the Annual Field Instructors Orientation to kick off the new academic year. Two dynamic speakers, Dr. Giovanna Zerbi and Dr. Mindy Hohman gave excellent presentations on Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Field instructors had an opportunity to mingle and network while enjoying breakfast. “Above and Beyond” field instructors and “Outstanding Agencies” were recognized with certificates and awards.
Congratulations to our award winning field instructors Nancy Schafer, (Sharp Grossmont Hospital), Donna Hilt (Health Start Military Family Resource Center) Laurie Brust, (Rady’s Children’s Hospital) and Debbie Boerbaitz (Otay School District).
St. Vincent de Paul’s Village and Kimball Elementary School and the National City Collaborative were recognized as “Outstanding Agencies”. The school of social work wishes to thank ALL of our field instructors and agencies who volunteer their time, energy and resources to provide our students with excellent field internship experiences.
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SDSU/USC Agency Fair 2012
On January 26 2012 over 100 social service agencies converged at the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center for the SDSU / USC Agency Fair where students had the opportunity to choose their “dream” internship for Fall 2012.