Welcome to Field Education!

Field education is an essential element of the curriculum in the SDSU School of Social Work. It is the field practicum learning experience that allows the student to integrate classroom theory and knowledge and practice skills in developing professional competence and identity. This application includes social work theory in real-life practice situations, skill building, and upholding professional standards of social work ethics and values, under the professional supervision of qualified social workers in their role of field instructors.

Over the years in field education, unique partnerships have been formed with hundreds of outstanding social service agencies and programs throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties. The field practicum agencies, in conjunction with the school curriculum, have provided our MSW and BASW program students with quality field placements in a broad array of agencies, including public, non-profit, multi-disciplinary, inpatient/outpatient settings including psychiatric settings, child welfare agencies, hospitals, family service agencies, hospices, community mental health, substance abuse, law enforcement, senior care settings, schools, community care clinics, etc. The result of this joint endeavor between the School and field practicum agency provides learning opportunities in training students to acquire the professional ethics, attitudes, knowledge and skill set which defines our profession of social work.

Contact Us

Field Education - SDSU Social Work

Contact Information
Telephone: 619-594-5197
Email: swfield@sdsu.edu