Sarah Clingan is a graduate student in the Joint Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Research on Substance Use. Sarah earned her MA in Psychology from California State University, Long Beach in 2015. Sarah has been drug and alcohol counselor since 2006 and has integrated the knowledge gained from her clinical experience to inform her research. Research Interests: drug use among sex traders, heroin overdose epidemic, treatment modalities.
Kevin Cummins earned a Bachelor and Master of Science in Biology and a Master of Science in Statistics from San Diego State University. He has contributed to adolescent substance use research at the University of California San Diego for over a decade. Kevin’s doctoral research focuses on resolving the interplay between substance use, neurocognitive development, and academic performance and achievement.
Nicole Pepper has been working in the HIV community for over 10 years. After earning her MSW in policy at Columbia University, Nicole served as project director for multi-site clinical trial utilizing Motivational Interviewing in a methadone setting to support HIV and hepatitis C treatment. She currently serves in a clinical and administrative role at the UCSD Mother Child Adolescent HIV Program. Research Interests: HIV, ethnic health disparities, substance abuse in women and adolescents, and trauma-informed interventions.