Natasia Courchesne earned her BA in Anthropology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she focused on indigenous health disparities. While earning her MPH from SDSU, Natasia worked on the STAHR II study examining sociodemographic, behavioral, and HIV, Hepatitis C, and Tuberculosis risk factors among persons who inject drugs. During this time Natasia began working at the UCSD Moores Cancer Center as a research assistant on the neuro-oncology team investigating patterns of care and survival trends.
Jennifer Jain is a clinical research project director at UCSF. She is experienced in research relating to substance use, HIV, HCV and sexual risk behaviors among HIV+ men and people who inject drugs. Her interest in substance use began in 2008 during her time as a youth mentor in San Francisco’s most marginalized neighborhood, Bay View Hunter’s Point. This inspired her to pursue a MPH, which she earned in 2011. Since then, she has been involved in exploring the intersection between substance use and infectious disease.
Stephanie Meyers earned her BA in Psychology and Sociology from UC Davis and a MA, option in Psychological Research, from Cal-state Long Beach. Stephanie’s research interests have centered on ethnic disparities in substance use and the relationship between substance use and disease transmission. She served as a research associate for 4 years at a center that provided free HIV/STI testing services. Stephanie has been a professor at Cal-state Long Beach teaching statistics and quantitative research methods to psychology and sociology students.