Student Resources

Field Education Site

Field education is an essential element of the curriculum in the SDSU School of Social Work. It is the field practicum learning experience that allows the student to integrate classroom theory and knowledge and practice skills in developing professional competence and identity. This application includes social work theory in real-life practice situations, skill building, and upholding professional standards of social work ethics and values, under the professional supervision of qualified social workers in their role of field instructors.

BASW Handbook

Current BASW students should familiarize themselves with the BASW Student Handbook:

MSW Generalist Program Assessment Guidelines and Study Guide

MSW Comprehensive Exam

Plan B students must pass a Comprehensive Examination administered by the School as one of the requirements for the MSW degree.

Publishable Paper, Alternative to Comprehensive Exam

A student may seek a faculty member to supervise and mentor her/him in the writing of a publishable paper.  The successful writing of the paper will serve as an alternative type of “Comprehensive Examination.” 

Contact Us

SDSU Social Work

Hepner Hall room 119
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4119