Online Training Modules
All new Field Instructors/Task Supervisors who have been assigned a student intern for the academic year are required to complete the online training modules.
Complete these online training modules at your own pace within your first semester of being a Field Instructor/Task Supervisor with an assigned student.
Please take all nine modules via your Intern Placement Tracking (IPT) account.
Module Topics include:
- Introduction
- Social Work Overview
- The Mission of Field Education
- Conducting a Successful Agency Orientation
- Effective Field Supervision
- Understanding Learning Styles
- Integrating Theory and Practice
- Ethical Issues in Field Supervision
- Effective Feedback and Evaluation
To login to your IPT account use the Intern Placement Tracking Alcea Software site.
(The Organization ID is: sdsu)
Reading materials for the modules can be accessed via IPT by following these simple steps:
Step 1: Log in to your IPT profile
Step 2: Click on the “Field Instructor Detail” tab at the top of the page
Step 3: Scroll down to the middle of the screen until you see “Training” section
Step 4: Click on “View Modules Training Document” (in BLUE) .
Quizzes for each of the nine modules are then accessed by the following steps:
Step 1: Return to the “Field Instructor Detail” tab in IPT.
Step 2: Scroll down to the “Training” section
Step 3: Click on the corresponding module # (in BLUE).
Step 4: Press “Click to Sign” at the bottom of the page for each quiz in order to save your answers.
Step 5: Ensure that you have completed all nine modules by the end of the fall semester.
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Field Education - SDSU Social Work