E. Percil Stanford

Pronouns: He/Him
Dr. E. Percil Stanford(emeritus: 2002) came to the faculty as The Director of the University Interdisciplinary Program On Aging. Prior to that he was an Officer in the U.S. Army, worked in the U.S. Dept. of Health Education and Welfare, in the Office of the Secretary and in the U.S Administration on Aging. As a Congressional Fellow, he served on the staffs of Senator Alan Cranston and Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. At SDSU, he was Founding Director of the University Center on Aging, The National Institute on Minority Aging and the Gerontology Department and served as Interim Director of the School of Social Work. Dr. Stanford has published numerous books and articles, assumed leadership roles in several Aging organizations, earned Fellow status in recognition of contributions to the field and received many awards. He later held a Senior Vice President position at AARP and is currently President of Folding Voice and San Diego Kind Corporation.